The EMS Department offers public education in several topic areas including functional fitness and disease prevention. Increasing your daily activity can reduce your chance of stroke, heart disease and help ensure you can remain functional in your activities of daily living.

The CDPHP Fitness Connect at the Ciccotti Center in Colonie has remained a cornerstone of health in our community. If you are a CDPHP member, view your additional the benefits here.
CDPHP Senior Fit®
Vitality doesn't just happen automatically, especially as you age. You have to work at it! But regular workouts and fitness classes may be easier to handle when you don't have to pay for them. As a CDPHP® Senior Fit® member, you have full access to CDPHP® Fitness Connect at the Ciccotti Center (including: track, lap pool, group exercise classes, aqua classes, the MyFitRX program with physician medical oversight and many other programs.
The MyFitRx® Journey
MyFitRx pathways are designed to help improve the level of physical activity in individuals living with chronic disease, managing medical conditions or who need additional support. The program achieves this through healthcare provider-based referrals and guided exercise by fitness specialists, who hold degrees and national accredited certifications in health and fitness.
Regularly $99, Next Steps is available at no cost to CDPHP Medicare Advantage members, and 50% off for CDPHP members.
1. Obtain a physician referral. Download the healthcare provider referral form here
2. Sign up for their 8-week program
3. Select a pathway (weight loss, cardiac fitness, Fit For Surgery, and more)
4. Start your customized fitness plan

Cancer Fitness - Guided movement to help reduce fatigue while improving muscle function and range of motion.

Cardiac Fitness - Delivers guidance to help reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease, gain strength and increase endurance.

Cognitive Health - Uses exercise to help support and improve mental capacity, self-esteem, mood, sleep, energy and stress levels.

Diabetes Fitness -Encourages management of pre-diabetes, and type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms by balancing physical activity levels and promoting healthy habits.

Fit For Surgery - Helps build muscular strength and endurance prior to surgery to aid in recovery.

Functional Fitness - Promotes pain reduction through gentle movement for conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, multiple sclerosis or other autoimmune conditions.

Orthopedic Fitness - Encourages strength training in targeted muscle groups post physical therapy.

Pulmonary Fitness - Develops specialized plans to help improve breathing capabilities, muscle function and exercise tolerance.

Transitional Care - Provides motivation to help improve stamina and health related issues due to an inactive lifestyle.

Weight Management - Encourages realistic goal setting for healthy weight and helps develop physical activity habits.
Healthcare provider referral required. For more information, please visit the Member Services desk, call (518) 867-8920 or complete their online form. Healthcare provider referral required.