Dr. Michael W. Dailey
Michael Dailey, M.D., FACEP, is the medical director for the Town of Colonie EMS department and attending physician at Albany Medical Center. He has served as the Medical Director for REMO (the Regional Emergency Medical Organization - Albany NY), a member of the SEMAC (State Emergency Medical Advisory Committee) and the STAC (State Trauma Advisory Committee). Dr. Dailey is board certified in emergency medicine and in EMS.

Dr. Dailey working with Colonie EMS paramedics on advanced airway procedures.
Dr. Dailey started in EMS in 1983 as a volunteer EMT in Westchester County, served as a volunteer firefighter in Clinton County and then worked for New York City EMS. He went on to complete medical school at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Bronx, NY) in 1998 and his Emergency Medicine residency at University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA) in 2001.
Dr. Dailey has served as Medical Director for the Town of Colonie since 2003, he oversees the department's flight program, special operations rescue division and the town's Special Services Team (SWAT).
The Associate Medical Director
In 2022, the position of Associate Medical Director was reinstated. The position is eligible to physicians that are board certified in emergency medicine and currently in a fellowship program at Albany Medical Center.
The Associate Medical Director is essential is ongoing quality assurance and quality improvement (QA/QI) through field observation, call review and training.