We have partners within the town including fire department first responders and police officers who carry AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) to respond on critical emergencies.
Colonie Police – Patrol Units
Sometimes an officer may be closer to the scene of a serious emergency or cardiac arrest, and will first respond with an AED unit. We have had several cases in the town of officers saving a life by arriving  just a few minutes before we do.
Visit Colonie Police Department’s Website & the Menands Police Department Website.
Fire Department First Responders:
EMS First Reponse Agencies
- EMSÂ #1 – Boght Fire Department
- Squad #3 – Fuller Road Fire Department
- EMS 4 – Latham Fire Department
- Squad #5 – Maplewood Fire Department
- Squad #6 – Menands
- Squad #8 – Schuyler Heights Fire Department
- EMS 10 – Stanford Heights Fire Department
- Squad #11 – Verdoy Fire Department
- Airport EMS – Albany Airport Rescue Fire Department
AED Equipped Response Agencies
- Colonie Village Fire Department
- Midway Fire Department
- Shaker Road Fire Department
- West Albany Fire Department
Town of Colonie Communications – 911 Center
The Communications Division handles all incoming calls to the police department and routes them to the appropriate emergency service agency. This division dispatches all police, fire, and emergency medical service agencies within the Town.
Once called dispatchers, the personnel that staff the Communications Division are now referred to as Telecommunicators because of the varied tasks they perform. In addition to the dispatch of emergency units, Telecommunicators also:
- Staff the Police Department Front Desk. When you need a report copy, require routine information, or come by to follow-up on a case you will be helped by a Telecommunicator.
- Operate the New York Statewide Police Information Network (NYSPIN) computers. These computers provide information on driver’s licenses and registrations, criminal history information and reports of crimes in other jurisdictions. Serial numbers from stolen property can be entered into a nationwide network, helping police to recover property from around the country.
- Provide medical instructions by telephone to victims of illness or injury until the ambulance arrives. Telecommunicators are trained to carefully screen calls and provide instruction to family members, ranging from preventing further injury to performing CPR.
The communications division is staffed by a Public Safety Communications Supervisor, five Senior Dispatchers, and 22 full-time Public Safety Dispatchers.
When you dial “911” from any phone in Colonie, the call will be routed directly to the Communications Center where the Telecommunicators will determine the nature of the call and send immediate help to your location. “Enhanced” 911 means that when you call 911, the address you are calling from is automatically displayed on the Telecommunicator’s screen. This is crucial in the event a person becomes unconscious before giving the location, or a crime in progress prevents the caller from giving the address.